Planting Instructions

Meredith Nurseries Planting Guide
At Meredith Nurseries we do our bit for the environment by trying to reduce the amount of paper used, that’s why these instructions are provided online and not in a printed format. We also use straw/hay for packing (which can be put into your compost bin) and the boxes that the plants come in can be recycled.
All this helps us to reduce our carbon footprint.
Please remove the plants from the boxes as soon as they arrive. If you are not able to plant within a day or two please keep the plants wet.
Instructions for Field Grown Conifers & Field Grown Broadleaves
You will need a spade, canes, ties, gloves, bucket, watering can or hose pipe, scissors and we recommend RootGrow™ Gel pack & Merediths Slow Release food.
- It is advisable to soak the roots in water for 12 – 24h. In winter time be careful the water will not freeze.
- Prepare the ground by removing all the weeds, stones and rocks where you plan to plant your new trees, and then loosen the soil if it’s compact.
- Start by digging holes about 10” square and 10” deep.
- If purchased, use the RootGrow™ instructions on the packet, after you have completed the instructions move to step 5.
- Place the tree in the hole making sure the roots are spread out.
- Fill the hole in with the soil removed or with new compost.
- Heel in the tree (press down the soil with your foot) to make the tree able to stand up on its own.
- If you have purchased canes push the cane into the ground about 1” from the tree. The cane only needs to support the tree at the midpoint.
- Use the tree tie to tie the tree to the cane, but do not over tighten them. Use the scissors to cut the rest of the tie away.
- Sprinkle the Merediths Slow Release food on the surface, a light dusting. (DO NOT PUT ROUND THE ROOTS)
- Water in well, and watch your new hedge grow. Make sure the newly planted trees do not dry out; you need to ensure they get water every day until the tree is established and has stared growing.
Instructions for Pot grown Conifers, Laurel, Privet, Box & Red Robin
You will need a spade, gloves, bucket, watering can or hose pipe, scissors and we recommend RootGrow™Gel pack & Merediths Slow Release food.
- It is advisable to give the plants a good watering before planting.
- Prepare the ground by removing all the weeds, stones and rocks where you plan to plant your new trees, and then loosen the soil if it’s compact.
- Start by digging holes about 2” bigger than the pot size.
- If purchased use the RootGrow™ instructions on the packet, after you have completed the instructions move to step 5.
- Place the tree in the hole making sure you have equal room all around the tree. (Please remove the plant from the pot first!!)
- Fill the hole in with the soil removed or with new compost.
- Press in the soil around the tree (press down the soil with your foot) to make the tree able to stand up on its own.
- If you have purchased canes push the cane into the ground about 1” from the tree. Only conifers will really need the canes.
- You only need to support half way up the tree
- Use the tree tie to support the tree, but do not over tighten them, use the Scissors to cut the rest of the tie away. The cane only needs to support the conifers at the mid point.
- Sprinkle the Merediths Slow Release food on the surface, a light dusting. (DO NOT PUT ROUND THE ROOTS)
- Water in well, and watch your new hedge grow. Make sure the newly planted trees do not dry out; you will need to ensure they get water every day until the tree is established and has stared growing.
Instructions for Small Pot Items. Please refer to the individual plant label for soil types and care - It is advisable to give the plants a good watering before planting.
- Prepare the ground by removing all the weeds, stones and rocks where you plan to plant your new shrubs, and then loosen the soil if it’s compact.
- Start by digging holes about 1” bigger than the pot size.
4 Place the shrubs in the hole making sure you have equal room all around the shrubs. (Please remove the plant from the pot first!!) - Fill the hole in with the soil removed or with new compost
- Press in the soil around the plant (press down the soil with your hand) to make the shrub able to stand up on its own, and water.
Other Information
Recommended and used by nearly all UK rose growers, RootGrow™ has become a standard treatment when planting roses. RootGrow™ is not just for roses, it can offer huge benefits to almost all garden plants. It exists as the only planting aid to carry the RHS mark of approval and is the only product that will support your plants for their entire life time making it is probably the best value purchase customers will make. For better establishment, naturally healthier plants, stronger flowering and fruiting and better drought resistance RootGrow™ is all you need. Unlike a fertiliser that runs out over time RootGrow™ which comprises of (UK) origin mycorrhizal fungi, will develop into a huge secondary root system increasing the root area of your plants by up to 700 times. These fungi have evolved to help plants find essential nutrients, minerals and moisture and pass them back to the plant. In exchange the fungal partner takes carbon and sugars from its host. A perfect partnership made millions of years ago! One simple application at planting time is all it takes to establish this unique lifetime relationship.
Endorsed by RHS Gardeners, (recommended in RHS planting guidelines for roses and trees), used regularly on BBC Gardeners world, and now widely available throughout the UK RootGrow™ is suitable for almost all new plants.
Mycorrhizal fungi are widespread throughout nature and are fundamental to plant growth and development. Over 90% of all land plants associate with these natural organisms as a mechanism for sustained water and nutrient supply. Shortly after application, the fungi in RootGrow™ will begin to colonise the plant or tree roots, extending into the surrounding soil via an extensive network of fungal filaments. Up to 20 metres of these filaments can be found in an area of soil the size of a sugar cube! The fungi extract water and nutrients from the soil, providing them to the plant in exchange for carbon. Once fully established, this fungal network links the root systems of adjacent plants and trees, allowing more efficient sharing of resources throughout the plant community.
Key benefits of planting with RootGrow™
• Superior establishment with better natural vigour
• Increased ability to overcome re-plant problems
• Better developed root systems
• Enhanced drought tolerance
• One application will support a plant for its lifetime
• Completely natural, native to UK soils, and suitable for organic use
• Almost all plants will benefit from a single application
Below are listed the top plant types that will benefit from RootGrow™
• Trees & Shrubs don’t usually grow much in the first and second year unless you use RootGrow™. It is endorsed by RHS gardeners and is recommended in their tree planting guidelines.
• Roses: nothing grows like a RootGrow™ rose! Recommended by nearly all UK rose growers and the only product able to overcome replant problems. No need to replace soil if planting where old roses have grown!
• Large specimen plants are a significant investment and using RootGrow™ will ensure they will establish well and put on good early growth in the first season.
One pack of RootGrow™ will probably be enough to last the average gardener an entire year of growing their own fruit and vegetables. It is a completely natural product and a perfect alternative to synthetic fertilisers. It is totally safe to use on plants that are destined for the kitchen table.
Merediths Slow Release Food
Analysis – nitrogen 5, phosphorus 5, potassium 6.5. i.e. a balance of 3 major plant nutrients.
Application Rate – Sprinkle a tea spoon around each plant once planted, and water in.
Release Rate – It will last over an 8 month growing season.
As an organic plant fertilizer it stimulates growth of the soil microbes that break down organic matter to release and supply plant nutrients. This saves waste.
The 1kg supplied will feed 30-50 trees
• Will raise the fertility of unimproved ground.
• Will increase soil nutrients following a hungry crop.
• Can be used when planting vegetables that need to make a lot of growth in a fairly short time.
• Is a balanced plant food that boosts all around fertility.
• It should not adversely affect flower and fruiting as nitrogenous feeds can do.
• Easy to store and handle when you don’t like manure.
• Suitable for all Plants, shrubs and trees we sell on our site, and your own of course
Other Information
This planting guide is provided as a guide only for use with stock we sell, these instructions can be used with other stock from other nurseries at your own risk.